Ephedra ban: writing on the wall
06 January 2004
This controversial editorial in the New York Times calls for a repeal of the US's Dietary Supplement Health & Education Act.
06 January 2004
This controversial editorial in the New York Times calls for a repeal of the US's Dietary Supplement Health & Education Act.
18 December 2003
Pharmaceuticals legislation in Europe has the potential to classify any food, food supplement, cosmetic or medical device as a medicine!! Find out what ANH is doing about it!
17 December 2003
The new European pharmaceuticals legislation now covers homeopathy - and most of the gains made by the homeopathy lobby have been sacrificed in the Compromise Package that was carried earlier today (see ANH Latest News Item 18 December).
12 December 2003
An enlightening article on the multiple causes of iatrogenesis by Gary Null
12 December 2003
Below Ron Law compares the constrasting Australian regulatory responses to supplements manufacturered by Pan Pharmaceuticals, with their response to medical negligence...
11 December 2003
Good news for New Zealand consumers of food supplements....
10 December 2003
The news of ghost writing ny the pharmaceutical industry, broken by two UK newspapers, gets airtime in pharma-friendly Denmark.
09 December 2003
New Zealand continues to be under pressure to harmonise to the medicines-based legislature of Australia.
08 December 2003
Is this a gaffe - or an attempt by a senior executive of a major pharmaceutical company to steer the industry in a new direction? Is this the dawn and justification for 'tailored drugs'?
06 December 2003
A Finnish study points to an association between intake of vitamin B12 and recovery from major depression.
05 December 2003
Scott Tips, from the National Health Federation in the US, which works closely with ANH, offers his insightful views on the recent Codex meeting in Bonn.
27 November 2003
The latest issue of CAM illustrates how medical researchers have opted for talk, not action, over concerns that drug company funding is influencing the results of clinical trials.
27 November 2003
Yet more research to support the efficacy of supplements in preventative health care.
19 November 2003
Dr Rob Verkerk, Executive Director of ANH, considers Paul Taylor's report on the Bonn Meeting of Codex in November 2003.
18 November 2003
Paul Taylor; Independant Consumer Health Advocate provides an important and detailed report from the Nov 03 Codex meeting in Bonn.
01 November 2003
In the wake of the Pan recall, Australia is to see further restrictions on natural healthcare.
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