Rob Verkerk PhD, founder, executive and scientific director, ANH-Intl

Today my 13-year-old daughter came in for a day’s work experience in our office. Anneke is passionate about healthy living and felt like communicating some of her views to other people her age. So, together with her cousin, our indispensable in-house journalist and graphics specialist, Charlie Jones, they created a 2 minute video.

There’s a lot Anneke couldn’t say in 2 minutes – but she felt she got over some of the points that make the biggest difference to her life. What we know of course is that many of these habits will put her – and any other young teen that approaches life in a similar way - in good stead in their later years.

That’s what natural and sustainable health and resilience is all about.

Check it out – and please share with any young ones you know! The health – or otherwise - of the next generation will be one of the strongest determinants of the quality of their future lives.