UK’s leading professional CAM event

September sees CAMexpo, the annual event for practitioners, therapists, healthcare professionals and students at Olympia, London again. The 2-day trade show takes place on 26th and 27th September. ANH-Intl will be on stand number 1322 and will be available to answer questions after our presentations, or on scientific or legislative issues concerning practitioners. Robert Verkerk PhD is presenting on both days in the Nutrition Theatre on “Whole food, food state or synthetic nutrients – which is best?” and “‘Keto-adapt’ your clients in 3 months in 8 easy steps.” Dr Verkerk and Meleni Aldridge will also be facilitating a session in the business clinic on Sunday 27th at 2:00pm. Remember to book your tickets ahead of time to avoid the queues and take advantage of the early bird offers.

Heinz to stop using the word ‘healthy’ in advertising

Heinz are dropping the word ‘healthy’ from advertising only of their sugary multigrain chocolate and organic biscotti for babies. This follows a complaint by the Children’s Food Campaign (CFC) submitted to the UK Advertising Standards Authority (ASA). However, whilst the word has been removed from any advertising, it will remain on the packaging of the product. Malcolm Clark, CFC Co-ordinator, has slammed the powerlessness of advertising regulators and the impunity of Heinz. He commented that the change in wording is “merely cosmetic” and that “Heinz has been caught red-handed trying to mislead parents into believing sugary biscotti are an appropriate and healthy food to give babies.” Matt Wilson, spokesman from the ASA said their remit did not extend to claims made on packaging and so this would not be changed as a result of the ruling. Concerned consumers should make their feelings known to the UK Food Standards Agency who are in a position to force a change to wording on packs.

Boost immune system rather than flu vaccine

A recent study carried out by Dr H Warren looked at the “role of the immune system in flu vaccination effectiveness” and found that for prevention the focus should be on the fortification of the immune system through diet, lifestyle and immune system supplements rather than through vaccination. Dr Warren’s work revealed immune system research that calls into question the validity of the main argument for flu vaccination — to protect the very young, elderly and those with underlying health problems, from the flu. He revealed that these are the very groups that find the least protection from the flu after receiving the flu shot, and recommends people to strengthen their immune systems. He said, “The immune system is really where all of these battles between body and disease take place, with or without vaccination. Without a properly functioning immune system, colds, flu and more serious invaders such as cancers, have the chance to invade the body, unchallenged”.

Hawaii backs GMO labelling

Hawaii Attorney General, Doug Chin, and attorneys general from seven other states, have signed an amicus brief defending Vermont’s right to require labels on food containing genetically engineered ingredients. The brief states, “The plaintiffs’ members sell food for profit in states like Vermont and Connecticut. Yet they desire to withhold certain information about the products they sell. A significant portion of Vermont’s consuming public, as reflected in the enactment of legislation by their elected representatives, wants that information.” It goes on to say that information like this should “be promoted, not concealed.” However bills aiming to regulate GMO farming have been struck down by federal courts in Kauai, Maui and the Big Island. The Grocery Manufacturers Association and several other groups representing the food industry have challenged Vermont’s GM labelling law.

Latvia says no to trans fats

Latvia has joined the likes of Austria, Hungary and Denmark and become the latest European country to ban trans fats. The ban means that products may only contain 2% or less of trans fats within the total fat content. Manufacturers have a two-year transition period to ensure that all products comply. This ban has been on the cards since 2012, but government and industry had been negotiating the length of the transition period. The end of the transition period is 1st January 2018. Trans fats are common in Eastern Europe, and the European Society of Cardiology (ESC) has urged lawmakers in the EU to ban them, but the European Commission seems to be dragging its feet with a report on the use and labelling of trans-fatty acids, which was due in December 2014.

Radiotherapy encourages skin cancers to return and prosper

A study recently published in Nature Immunology has suggested that doctors should use more caution when using radiotherapy to treat skin cancer. US researchers Laurence Zitvogel and Guido Kroemer and their team discovered that using radiotherapy to treat skin cancers may be causing more harm than good, and contributing to immunosuppression. The researchers note that radiotherapy is used in half of all skin cancer treatments and although it shrinks the tumours initially they come back even stronger. The research studied Langerhans cells in mice and their role in activating certain types of T-cells that tell the immune system to stop attacking, which allow the tumor to grow without having to deal with an immune response. Zitvogel and Kroemer suggest that this explains why radiotherapy may actually be making it easier for some skin cancer tumors to return and prosper.

Bad diet takes over from smoking as highest risk factor for early death

The UK news has been busy this week with headlines such as “A poor diet is 'worse than smoking' for fatal illnesses”. These stories follow a huge international study led by the University of Washington and the University of Melbourne that revealed that since 1990, there has been a profound change in risk factors for death. Researchers looked at 79 risk factors for death in 188 countries between 1990 and 2013, and the research states that, “In 1990, child and maternal malnutrition and unsafe water, sanitation, and lack of hand washing were the leading risks for death, but these have now been replaced by dietary risks and high blood pressure.” Professor John Newton, of Public Health England, said, “This is a wake-up call for those providing health services. The findings show the huge opportunity for preventive public health.” ANH-Intl has long been campaigning for changes to top-down, government advice on nutrition and healthy eating. Our ANH Food4Health plate is a far cry from either the UK’s Eatwell plate or the US ChooseMyPlate.