Dandelion Natural Foods is taking action!



Are they helpful or harmful?



Public Meeting

Tuesday 20 May, 7.30 pm

The Baptist Church

Corner of Northcote & Wakehurst Rd, Battersea


Speakers include:


Robert Verkerk BSc, MSc, DIC, PhD. Formerlya Research Fellow at Imperial College London,and an internationally-recognised expert on sustainable agriculture. Based on his knowledge of the declining quality of the typical diet, he now campaigns for your right to supplement your diet with safe, effective and innovative dietary supplements. Dr Verkerk is the Executive Director of the Alliance for Natural Health (www.alliance-natural-health.org).


Anne Samuels BSc, MSc. Naturopath, nutritionist and herbalist will talk about the role of nutrition and health.


All welcome. There will be plenty of time to ask questions and address the concerns you may have about supplementing your diet following the release of the recent Food Standards Agency report. Your right to supplement is under threat, and when your rights are replaced by restrictions, then the truth has to be replaced by untruth. Hear what is really going on!



Meeting convened by Dandelion Natural Foods, 120 Northcote Road, Battersea, London SW11

Contact: Hillel Friedmann Tel. 020 73500902 E-mail: [email protected]





Please forward notice of this meeting as widely as you can!