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Week No 50 | 10/12/2020


Putting the C into covid

When there’s no high tech drug that’s effective and safe - how can simple vitamins like D and C help us get back to (a more) normal life? Well they can if those simple vitamins are crucial to immune system function and there is widespread deficiency. Health authorities, medics and even politicians now understand the importance of taking vitamin D. But, this week, we co-launch an international campaign to bring attention to vitamin C. A vitamin that was lambasted until recently when used as an adjunct treatment for cancer. But the science has continued to build until it was impossible to ignore.

Now it’s vitamin C’s turn in the spotlight for covid. Check out the international campaign we’ve launched with UK nutritionist Patrick Holford, built around a key per reviewed journal article, Patrick and some of the leading vitamin C scientists and clinicians, have just published that puts all the science on vitamin C, sepsis, pneumonia and covid in one place. We ask you to please sign the petition to help place grassroots pressure on health authorities and medics to put the C into covid.

Our next piece is on ‘long covid’ - also known as ‘long-hauler syndrome’. It hits primarily those who have underlying conditions or are predisposed to them - perhaps being too young for the diseases themselves to have manifested. With years of syndromes linked to other viruses being ignored by the medical mainstream, we’ve been fascinated by its sudden recognition with this particular virus. Check out our piece, that uses a functional and integrative lens to look at the condition and some potential routes for recovery.

You’ll find a third article that links to recent covid catalysed collaborations - plus our weekly news roundup. Please share our content widely - thank you.

Wishing you well - in health, naturally


Rob Verkerk PhD

Founder, executive and scientific director


Campaign to put the C into Covid


Landmark paper triggers launch of international vitamin C campaign


‘Long covid’: what is it and what might be the best way back?


The first post-viral syndrome to be recognised by mainstream medics, researchers and politicians. A functional and integrative medicine approach might offer the best hope.


Covid catalysed collaborations


Shining a light on 3 initiatives with a common interest - together we are stronger


News Alerts: Week 50, 2020


The problem of false positives; Vitamin D and gut health; Autism and gut health; Spain’s Great Reset; In Brief


Covid weekly update - Week 50



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