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Week No 50 | 11/12/2019


Sovereign health before sovereign state?

With just one day before the UK’s most significant election in recent memory, the outcome of which is likely to deliver very different outcomes for those living in the UK – I will say nothing further about the election.

But irrespective of what political beliefs any of us might have, the one thing we can all do is find ways of optimising our biological potential. That’s really about having sovereignty over our bodies and knowing what we can do to keep us as healthy as possible, for as long as possible. This is something the world of mainstream medicine has up until now largely ignored, yet it’s becoming something the public has an ever greater appetite for. For more and more of us, misusing or abusing your body for most of your life and then expecting that drugs and surgery will put you back together again seems like an increasingly fatuous notion of health care.

So, as we move towards the festive season, we offer you a gift in the form of an advent calendar-styled video that is our take on how you can use the 12 days leading up to 25th December to take sovereignty over our own health.

However, if you still like to read words on paper or a screen, we’ve got a book review about this same subject which might be just the thing for you, or a loved one. The book’s called ‘Restoring Balance: How to return to a natural state of easy health’. In our second piece, we interview its author, Ian Tennant PhD. Ian’s a British biochemist turned health coach who’s found a delightfully simple way of getting complex ideas about multi-system health across in a very practical format.

In our weekly news, more on the NHS crisis, Big Pharma exploitation of NHS patient health data, the stalling or decline of life expectancy both sides of the pond, more EU bans on bee harming pesticides - and more.

In health, naturally and nearly festively…



Rob Verkerk PhD

Founder, executive & scientific director


The Twelve Days Before Christmas – ANH style!


Supercharge your 2020 and use our 12 top tips for a fun, healthy, natural and sustainable holiday season!


ANH Intl Book Bites: The importance of ‘Restoring Balance’


Has Dr Ian Tennant created one of the most relevant layperson roadmaps to help people take back control of their health?


News Alerts: Week 50, 2019


NHS dire crisis; Big Pharma buys UK’s NHS data; Declines in life expectancy; EU bans bee harming pesticides; WHO recommends optimal nutrition; US Drs recommend CAM therapies


Looking to spread some festive cheer? Well look no further...

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