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Week No 21 | 24/05/2023


The pandemic: why it’s not over

It has been a delight to do my third interview with Geert Vanden Bossche, the only vaccinologist I believe I could say has become a dear friend. There are many things I admire about Geert, among them, his humility, his devotion to science as a discipline, his desire to look deeper at the immunology underpinning the host-virus relationship within an evolutionary context – and his unwavering conviction to speak his truth in the face of personal attacks and marginalisation by the scientific community. So please check out the interview – on video or podcast – that will remind you that Geert is convinced that in 2023 we entered a ‘calm before the storm’, and how the real science suggests the pandemic has yet to transition to endemicity, courtesy of the flawed mass vaccination program.

I said above that Geert speaks “his truth” because there are likely so few absolute truths – some philosophers might say – maybe even none. But our main story this week looks at the global campaign against mis/disinformation that is attempting to rebuild trust in science. We think not – and we explain our reasons. Please dive in and we’d love to hear your views.

Thanks to Ben Atkinson too for his release of the interview we share of Mel and I on our book Reset Eating. We hope you’ll find plenty of nuggets to help you turn your food into even more powerful medicine.

You’ll find plenty more too – and given our ‘shadow banned’ status – please can I remind you to share our information far and wide. Thank you.

In health 


Rob Verkerk PhD

Founder, executive & scientific director


Why misinformation bans are misinformed and dangerous


In the light of this week’s Nobel Prize Summit, we explain why censorship is so dangerous, and why we need, in contrast, to broaden the scope of available information and foster dialogue and critical thinking


Speaking Naturally: immune escape with Dr Geert Vanden Bossche


Rob Verkerk PhD 'speaks naturally' (without censorship) with Dr Geert Vanden Bossche about his new book, which explores the many problems caused by mass vaccination during a pandemic


Reset Eating interview: How to turn your food into powerful medicine


Rob Verkerk PhD and Meleni Aldridge recently spoke to Ben Atkinson as part of his Functional Health podcast series about our book Reset Eating


In memorium: Dr Rashid Buttar


We celebrate the life of a stalwart freedom fighter who wasn't afraid to speak out against the mainstream narratives


ANH News Beat (week 21/2023)


Our weekly roundup of the latest natural and covid news in one place. Read the headlines or click on the links to find out more


Learn & Journey: ANH events (week 21/2023)


Upcoming events, conferences and available courses


Working together makes us stronger. Your support makes our work possible. Thank you!

There's a variety of ways you can support us including making a regular or one-off donation (see link below), buying a copy of our book Reset Eating or something from our unique ANH Merch! Or why not give as you shop by signing up for Easy Fundraising https://www.easyfundraising.org.uk/causes/anhinternational?&utm_source=adminact22sharebox.


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