Food4Health Campaign
Confused by what government’s are saying we should be eating? You’re not alone! Government guidelines are based on outdated or flawed science. Worse, they’re contributing to making people sick, fat and tired. Find out more about what healthy eating is really all about.
Get fat happy!
02 March 2023
A healthy brain and good mood means ditching Big Food’s low fat dogma – find out how to navigate dietary advice on fats
News / Food4Health Campaign / Food / Health / Campaigns
The fishy Cochrane Omega-3 stitch-up
08 August 2018
Why we should still work on reducing our Omega 6:3 ratio regardless of Cochrane’s latest recommendation on fish oils and ALA
Should you stop taking fish oil supplements?
02 May 2018
What to do in the wake of study involving leading statin advocate Rory Collins which says fish oils don’t work
ANH-Intl releases updated healthy eating advice
30 May 2018
First revision of Food4Health guide is about clarification and consolidation after 3 and a half years of positive feedback
Plant-based eating – the ‘diet’ that's no fad
14 February 2018
Why we need plants more than they need us