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How far will Google go to censor natural health information?
Natural health information is being heavily censored, with scant regard for its source. Published in Holistic Primary Care a recent article expands on the lengths Google is going to for online dominion as it continues to restrict access to natural health information. It’s clear that Google is toeing the conventional, party line, which in turn is likely driven by the corporates with the deepest pockets and the most to lose to the natural health sector. Whilst this article is not new this week, we felt the information just too important to not share. Not only is Google altering its algorithms to divert consumers away from sources questioning conventional ‘health care’, it’s relying on paid for services, such as those provided by LegitScript, to tell it who is, or isn’t, a ‘legitimate’ source of information. Those who can’t or won’t pay their fees risk being consigned to the fringes of the internet. It’s up to us as informed consumers to challenge the likes of Google and other tech giants by using and supporting independent search engines such as DuckDuckGo or Ecosia (who’re B-corp certified) along with more diverse news outlets that don’t pander to the corporatocracy.
FDA drugs approval process putting patients at risk
New research reveals serious defects and conflicts of interest in the US Food and Drug Administration’s (FDA) drugs approval process. Analysing FDA drug approvals, changes in laws and regulations, researchers have revealed a less than robust approval system driven by fees from pharmaceutical companies that allows new drugs to be approved more quickly using much weaker standards of evidence. The researchers found the average review time has reduced from 2.8 years between 1986 and 1992 to 10.1 months in 2018. Such practices put patient health at serious risk as powerful new drugs are fast-tracked with little or no oversight and seriously bias what should be an impartial system designed to protect citizens.
Nourish your gut to protect against Parkinson’s Disease
Improving your gut health could protect against Parkinson's Disease. A new study published in Cell Reports, by scientists from the Centre for Discovery Brain Sciences and Dundee University, researching roundworms, found that Bacillus subtilis (a probiotic bacteria) protects against the build-up of alpha-synuclein protein in the brain, as well as reducing the amount of existing alpha-synuclein protein. This study adds to existing research implicating poor gut health in the development of Parkinson’s Disease and other neurological disorders. Read more about gut health and its effects on Parkinson's Disease.
Soybean oil can damage your brain
Soybean oil consumption used in many ultra-processed foods, has been implicated in the development of obesity and diabetes, but could also play a role in the development of neurological conditions like autism, Alzheimer's disease, anxiety, and depression. A new study published in the journal Endocrinology, compared mice fed three different diets high in fat using soybean oil, soybean oil modified to be low in linoleic acid or coconut oil. Both types of soybean oil were found to have detrimental effects on the hypothalamus. They also found the functioning of a range of genes were adversely affected. No health issues were found with group fed coconut oil. The researchers have not yet isolated which chemicals in the oil are responsible for the changes, so its best to avoid soybean oil and switch to a healthy fat source e.g. coconut or olive oil. Additionally, the omega 6 (PUFAs) fats found in soybean oil are highly inflammatory, which is yet another reason to leave these on the shop shelf.
Big Ag playbook revealed
A new exposé by journalist Lee Fang lifts the lid on how some of the biggest agricultural companies have gone rogue over the past few decades. Why? In an attempt to corrupt, dismiss and hide science showing the damaging effects of neonicotinoid pesticides to pollinators in order to protect their profit margins. The article also uncovers the tactics used to skew Google search results to deflect attention away from the damage caused by their products by throwing the focus on the varroa mite, ignoring years of research showing just the opposite. The article underscores the highly dubious tactics used by the big corporates in pursuit of profit above all, particularly the health of our precious planet and all that inhabit it.
your voice counts
23 January 2020 at 9:22 pm
As part of my research for an article about the tech giants and health censorship, I came across numerous links between Google and the pharmaceutical/mainstream health fields. These are under-reported when looking at how Google skews health information.
28 January 2020 at 7:42 pm
Look up the silent monster that is Alphabet... owners of Google and many other companies, some well know others less so. The Life Sciences department is one of the scary ones (despite the "good they do for humankind") but even more scary are the departments that use their fancy algorithms to out "predict" the human mind.... Alphabet tell us the human mind is useless and AI is better. Rise of the Machines anyone? And even if we do know and want to share how we feel or what we know, Google and the algorithms will censor out our concerns.
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