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Google handed UK NHS patient data
Four UK NHS Trusts have signed a deal giving Google access to 5 years of sensitive patient data despite a previous deal being ruled non-compliant with data protection laws. The news has raised yet more concerns about the privacy of data patients haven’t consented to being shared which could now be harvested for commercial use. The deal comes as a result of Google’s acquisition of DeepMind Health a leading health technology developer. Given the projected value of NHS patient data it’s no wonder Big Tech companies such as Google are racing to gain access to one of the biggest pots of health data gold anywhere.
Rates of cancer set to surge globally
The Cancer Atlas, Third Edition from the American Cancer Society in collaboration with the Union for International Cancer Control (UICC) and International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) projects a 60% increase in global cancer cases by 2040. Detailing risk factors, the burden of cancer in different world populations along with actions being taken, it acknowledges cancers caused by many of the main risk factors cited, including smoking, alcohol consumption, unhealthy diets, obesity and physical inactivity are preventable. With the economic burden of cancer globally in the billions of US dollars, the adoption of initiatives to create sustainable healthcare environments and systems geared to promoting health is critical.
Diet, depression and young people
A randomised controlled trial published in PLOS ONE provides new evidence that changing what you eat can reduce symptoms of depression in young adults. Levels of depression amongst young adults has risen significantly in the past decade. Many factors are thought to be at play, but diet is increasingly being recognised as a modifiable factor in tackling the issue. The new study found symptoms of depression reduced significantly in young adults who reduced the amount of processed foods they ate in favour of increasing vegetables and fruit. Participants reported lower levels of anxiety and stress and saw their depression ‘score’ reduce from moderate to normal. Diet has huge power to improve mental health particularly when combined with other interventions such as exercise, spending time in nature along with mindfulness or meditation practices.
Fasting and exercise
Exercising before breakfast burns more fat than exercising after eating. Involving thirty obese and overweight men, a new study found those who exercised before eating breakfast burned twice the amount of fat as those exercising after eating. Exercising in a fasted state encourages our bodies to burn fat as fuel and helps reset our metabolism. Timing of exercise didn’t have a major effect on weight loss, but those exercising before eating saw a dramatic overall improvement in their health lowering their risk of developing type-2 diabetes and heart disease. A new mouse study also supports the benefits of fasting before exercise. Mice that fasted (two meals a day) experienced increased levels of the hunger hormone ghrelin which researchers believe pushed them to exercise more. The benefits of fasting are myriad helping to reduce your risk of developing many of the chronic diseases that now afflict us as we age allowing you to live life to the full.
New charity to monitor UK patient safety
Following his tenure as Secretary of State for Health, Jeremy Hunt MP has launched a charity called Patient Safety Watch, to monitor patient safety and report on avoidable harm in the UK’s NHS. Research published this year revealed approximately 1 in 20 patients suffer preventable medical harm. It’s nothing new though. Dr Peter Gøtzsche suggested prescription drugs are the third leading cause of death. Studies commissioned by ANH a few years ago using data from the UK and EU found harms from mainstream medical treatments are one of the biggest preventable risks of early death in society, but natural forms of health management are amongst the safest available.
Biodiversity essential for crop production
Preserving biodiversity is essential to creating sustainable food production systems globally. Monocultures reduce numbers of pollinating and pest-controlling insects in turn reducing crop yields according to a new study. The findings reinforce the need to move away from increasingly industrialised food production systems and return to sustainable agroecological systems that work with nature, not against it.
your voice counts
23 October 2019 at 11:34 pm
Accepting/promulgating data from the totally corrupt Cancer Society helps no one, what with their theoretical risk factors, based on stats that totally ignored the known causes.
. H R Clark PhD ND, carried out over 1/2 million reproducible so scientifically valid Synchrometer, bio-resonance tests to precisely identify the causative, specific bacteria,, parasites viruses, heavy metals, molds, dyes food allergens, asbestos etc. and their pathways.
A great text book for the health conscious is The Cure and Prevention of All Cancers 2007, 600 pages written in non-medical terms, by Dr Clark
I have no financial interest in the Dr Clark Assn, but have used her protocols, electronic Zapper and Synchhrometer since 1995 when she first published.
We note that 1939 UK Cancer Act Prohibits the publication in any Med or Science Journal of ANY Cancer cure. In the US they simply refuse to publish, as with Dr Robert Good's 1985 natural pancreatic cancer cure, even as the world's top immunologist with the 1st bone marrow transplant.
That makes it illegal for a doc to even mention Dr Clark!
24 October 2019 at 5:01 pm
The 'News' to a very large extent is an ongoing illumination of a world in which “Everything is BACKWARDS; everything is upside down! Doctors destroy health, Lawyers destroy justice, Universities destroy knowledge, Governments destroy freedom, Major media destroys information, And religions destroy spirituality". (Michael Ellner).
The destructive agenda goes on under the aegis of security, protection, and saving the world because it is a systemic thinking disorder that frames our thought rather than just something that bad people do.
While there is no one size fits all, healing the mind is the re-evaluation of everything instead of succumbing to being devalued by fear-feeding news. I hold that healing comes from a willingness to own and face or live through fears instead of seeking and finding ways to hide them or hide from them - not least through 'War on 'symptoms' and false flagged diversions that appeal to our best sympathies to recruit support for sustainability of a (self) destructive agenda.
So I see a need for uncovering a true foundation within our own life and relationships rather than a feel-better identity set against evil outcomes. Self-transparency and accountability to a conscious alignment of our heart's decision - instead of reactive mindset that is all too easily triggered into self-conflict and polarised identity of an attempt to override our doubts or allow ourself to be overridden by assertive others.
Stillness of being is not imposed but allowed or 'let into'. I recommend an ongoing communication and relationship with the heart of stillness by whatever 'permissions' you can give yourself to release a driven sense of doing to the quality of being that connects and aligns our doing as an expression of being. This is not other than self-honesty of noticing our thought and feeling - which the mind can easily run a substitution that never allows a true rested and shared appreciation for being.
Loss of spiritual connection has nothing to do with failing beliefs - excepting we invest in cynicism that blocks a love that is of course nothing other than felt resonance of recognition and gratitude for existence.
Spirituality and Science have both been used to hide in such as to devalue true worth. This doesn't devalue what they are - but it means we cannot simply use the devalued currency - excepting we redeem it to truly mean something rather than derivative 'meanings' that have drifted from their original to 'run backwards'.
We cant just coin new words to be 'correct' as they simply become the same usage. We have to stand in our lives and own or thought, word and deed - and my witness to this is that a mind of judgement will block disallow this to protect from deeper or hidden fear.
But fear is coming to the surface anyway - but in packaging - or as symptoms and messengers we seek to deny. Is it not so?
Your voice counts
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