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Week No 37 | 15/09/2021


New health system, new umbrella

With the madness of covid still spinning around our heads as people try to get used to the fact ‘the problem’ isn’t going to magically disappear courtesy of Bill Gates, Pfizer, Moderna, AstraZeneca, J&J and a few others, it’s been refreshing to again dive deep into what I’d like to regard as our most important project. It concerns the way in which we might co-create a new healthcare system from the ground up – one that’s for the people, by the people.

The spectacular failures of public health and the search for silver bullets are likely to become drivers for much wider recognition of why we need such seismic change in how we go about managing our health. And instead of fighting against nature, why don’t we work with it? It might not be a new idea, but it’s the only one we know works – as already shown in so many different facets of life. That’s what our lead story is about, complete with a short piece to camera to give you some context.

Next, we’re super excited to break the news to you about a collaboration that we’re part of as founding affiliates. The World Council for Health has just soft launched and it brings together one of the largest groups of trusted doctors, scientists and lawyers who’re working at the forefront of this issue. The main purpose is to deliver honest, science-based information to help the public navigate the complexities of our current situation. We’re thrilled to be part of this new umbrella that we believe it will help many thousands of people who, like us, have largely given up on the hope that governments and health authorities will come up with solutions that benefit their citizens.

Other than our news-packed snippets, we’re also greatly looking forward to sharing some time tomorrow (16 September) with Pathfinder members who are able to join our second Q&A session at 2:00 pm GMT (3:00 pm CET, 9:00 am EST, 6:00 am PST, 11:00 pm Sydney time, etc). All Pathfinder members should have received an email with a Zoom link for the Q&A. If you haven’t received this, please email melissa [at] anhinternational.org.

We greatly look forward to seeing some of you tomorrow – and we’ll do our best to answer your questions.

In health, naturally


Rob Verkerk PhD

Founder, executive & scientific director


There’s never been a better time to transform how we manage our health


Rob Verkerk PhD explains why the current crisis provides the spark for a health system revolution


Big News! World Council for Health launches this week


ANH-Intl joins new umbrella to give the public honest, truthful and non-misleading information about health in the covid era


Weekly news update (week 37, 2021)


Doctors speak out; UK 5G stealth implementation; Ivermectin war rages on; Covid vaccines; Diet & mental health; Covid origins


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Alliance for Natural Health International
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A not-for-profit company limited by guarantee, registered in England and Wales (Company No. 04438769)