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Week No 46 | 17/11/2021


McCullough, Vanden Bossche, Marik and more

It was Hubert Humphrey, the pharmacist and 38th Vice President of the United States who served under Lyndon Johnson who famously said, “Freedom is hammered out on the anvil of discussion, dissent, and debate.”

His words are even more relevant today. Hence our reason to bring you two blockbuster videos – one that lasts nearly two hours, the other just 23 minutes. Both demonstrate exquisitely the grave difficulties in which we find ourselves at this juncture. The longer one is of a conversation we’ve just recorded, chaired by a leading US professor in family medicine and public health. His guests were leading US cardiologist Peter McCullough, vaccinologist Geert Vanden Bossche and myself. The other video is of Dr Paul Marik, widely regarded as the most influential doctor in the field of critical care, on the events that led him to decide to sue his hospital after it prevented him from using the protocols that have saved tens of thousands of lives.

I am limiting my words in this missive, such is my desire to urge you to jump into the content below.

The week is as frenetic as ever. Tomorrow will be the second day of the African Health Summit, of which I am moderating a panel with the unforgettable title that must be heard phonetically for full effect: ‘The Nonscience – uncovid’! Details can be found on our Telegram channel that we’d ask you to subscribe to given censorship on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and other mainstream social media.

Then I’ll be speaking in person (woop, woop!) at the Awakening Conference in Torquay (Devon, UK) hosted by Totnes integrative medicine doctor Stephen Hopwood, along with Drs David Halpin, Vernon Colman, Sarah Myhill, and others. The conference was due to be held in the Town Hall in Totnes, but the censors made sure the venue pulled the plug. We’re grateful to the owners of the Torquay venue for supporting the notion of free speech. Hubert Humphrey would approve, I’m sure. The event will be livestreamed, and again, we’ll release details on our Telegram channel.

Can I also suggest that you take the time to read this week's Covid Bites that provide a stark reminder of the madness that surrounds us.

Stay strong, do not capitulate, and help others to learn more about what’s really going on.

In health, naturally


Rob Verkerk PhD

Founder, executive & scientific director


An Uncensored Covi-sation with McCullough, Vanden Bossche & Verkerk


A compelling conversation chaired by Prof Paul Mills of UCSD about complexities, uncertainties and concerns around C-19


World’s leading ICU doc goes legal on his hospital


Dr Paul Marik’s World Council for Health presentation is essential viewing for those who care about the future of medicine


Covid bites (week 46/2021)


A global roundup of covid news and information


News roundup (week 46/2021)


Fermented foods for good gut health; Plant foods reduce dementia risk; UK obesity clinics for kids; Vitamin C & metabolic health


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