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Week No 42 | 20/10/2021


Medical ‘apartheid’ and numbers that talk

This week we bring you my heartfelt plea to use the pain, loss, distress and tyranny of the current covid era to build new health systems. Ones that are truly worthy of the exquisiteness of the human species and future fit. Compatible not only with Nature from which we’ve evolved, but also the needs and peculiarities of our own species. Given another chance, surely we can do better, especially if we reinstate ethical principles that have stood the test of time.

Having hit you with two very long pieces in the previous two weeks, the first dealing with the failing effectiveness of covid jabs (the week before last), the next concerning adverse events for the jabs (last week), we deliver this week an infographic that summarises the key data. These are not our interpretations, they are reflections of publicly available data from official sources. Any rational human would say it’s time for a rethink in strategy. But the system we’re up against doesn’t do rational.

We’ve then got our covid news summary and a non-covid news update. Our biggest ask is for you to share our material as widely as you can.

We’re hearing that many are being worn down by the pressure of the pandemic, its associated policies and the mindsets it’s generated. We urge you to stand tall, to gather strength from each other and the many of us who are coming together in solidarity. Together we are strong. If we capitulate we undo all the progress that has already been made.

Thank you for the support you give us. In all honesty, we couldn’t do it without you.

In health, naturally


Rob Verkerk PhD

Founder, executive & scientific director


Medical apartheid fractures best practice medicine


The covid era demands we re-evaluate the ethical framework of how medicine is practiced


Let the numbers do the talking...


We summarise Rob Verkerk's last two articles in our new infographic that represents the latest official data on harms and benefits of the jabs


Covid bites (week 42)


A roundup of global covid news and information


Weekly news update (week 42, 2021)


Mexico rejects GMOs; Life expectancy declines in England; Nutrition training for doctors; Ultra-processed consumption increase; Weight loss and exercise; Eat nuts & seeds to improve longevity; Omega 3 oils improve gut health


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Alliance for Natural Health International
Old Station House, 78 Dorking Road, Chilworth, Surrey, GU4 8NS, UK

A not-for-profit company limited by guarantee, registered in England and Wales (Company No. 04438769)