ANH PRESS RELEASE: ANH Landmark Legal Challenge - The Verdict!
12 July 2005
The European Courts of Justice today handed down its judgment and the ruling is far from doom and gloom! See ANH's preliminary interpretation below...
12 July 2005
The European Courts of Justice today handed down its judgment and the ruling is far from doom and gloom! See ANH's preliminary interpretation below...
08 July 2005
If you are concerned about Codex and your future ability to protect your freedom of choice in relation to natural products then tune in to at 12 noon EST, or 5.00 pm UK time TODAY Friday 8 July
07 July 2005
Several studies have pointed to increased risk of death from vitamin E, although such studies have used purified or synthetic vitamin E and involved diseased persons. This new study in JAMA fills several information gaps.
06 July 2005
Please find below a note on Codex put out by Isobel Bradley, ANH Campaign Administrator. She reminds us that "all is not lost, by any means, despite the acceptance of Codex texts in Rome at the meeting of the Codex Alimentarius Commission last Monday".
05 July 2005
Hard on the heels of widely publicised misrepresented or flawed studies condemning supplementary vitamin E, beta-carotene and other antioxidants, comes criticism of vitamin C...and the rebuttals
04 July 2005
In a retrograde step for health freedom, the text for the Codex Guidelines on Vitamin and Mineral Food Supplements was accepted today.
27 June 2005
The Netherlands-based HAN Foundation, an independent group of leading risk assessment scientists, today commences a 9-month study to shed light on the EU's 'black box' regulation of food supplements.
24 June 2005
Please find below a letter from the Food Standards Agency acknowledging the significance of the ANH Legal Challenge to the EU Food Supplements Directive
17 June 2005
The UK's Health Food Manufacturers Association (HFMA) have pushed the UK government hard to promote dossiers.
10 June 2005
If you use vitamin and mineral supplements for health, you might want to fly over to Rome, Italy and crash the July 4-9 meeting of the Codex Alimentarius Commission, a little-known international body that wields immense power over the global food market.
09 June 2005
The European Court of Justice announces that the ruling on the ANH's legal challenge of the EU Food Supplements Directive will be handed down on 12 July.
16 May 2005
Louise Mclean talked to Dr Robert Verkerk, Executive Director of the Alliance for Natural Health, in order to establish the facts on the EU Food Supplements Directive and get his views on how the ban would affect consumers
16 May 2005
In an unprecedented action, the World Health Organization (WHO), the United Nations (UNICEF), and an AIDS activist group that promotes drug therapy in South Africa, joined forces in opposing vitamin therapy that exceeds the Recommended Daily Allowance (RDA), and in particular vitamin C in doses they describe as being
16 May 2005
Four out of 10 women need to supplement their diets with vitamins if they plan to have a baby, the Royal College of Midwives was told yesterday.
06 May 2005
Hard on the heeels of the Advocate General finding procedural flaws in the European Food Supplements Directive, the US based National Health Federation now finds procedural flaws in the development of Codex Guidelines for Vitamin and Mineral Food Supplements.
04 May 2005
The National Centre for Complementary and Alternative Medicine (NCCAM) and the Office of Dietary Supplements (ODS), both components of the National Institutes of Health (NIH) have come up with nearly $7 million to investigate the scientific base of knowledge about the safety, effectiveness, and mechanisms of action of herbal medicines.
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