So many questions are being asked of us over our legal rights after we are offered the covid vaccine or are faced with having to tell our employers if we've had the vaccine or not. The most compelling and thorough analysis of this thorny subject comes from Daniel Barnett, a UK-based employment law barrister, author of fifteen legal textbooks who also presents the Legal Hour on LBC, a well-known UK talk radio station, alongside his day job!
Whilst both videos were released two months ago, the subject matter is almost more relevant now that the vaccines are being distributed.
Watch the video below to answer questions such as:
- Has there ever been compulsory vaccination in the UK?
- Does the current law allow for compulsory vaccination?
- Can the UK Parliament introduce new legislation to compel vaccinations?
- Is there any truth in the rumour that the govt can use the Mental Health Act to section people who refuse to have the vaccine?
- What is the position in the United States by way of comparison?
For more information on whether your employer can dismiss you if you refuse to have a covid vaccine, watch Daniel Barnett's second video, covering the following areas:
- The choice as it might be presented to you; get vaccinated or get dismissed
- The cold, hard reality facing you if your employer instructs you to get vaccinated
- The possible legal claims you'd have if you refused, and were dismissed
- The trickier position of if you're accused of being an 'evangelical anti-vaxxer' as against vaccine-hesitant (his words not ours!)
>>> Find more information on all things covid-related on our Covid - adapt, don't fight campaign page
>>> Daniel Barnett's You Tube channel
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your voice counts
18 February 2021 at 8:27 am
But am i correct in pointing out that the pharma companies developing the vaccines state that they do not prevent one passing on the virus, they just lessens the symptoms should you contract the virus later so how can the NHS and care homes have strong cases to coerce one into taking the vaccine or loose your job?
19 February 2021 at 12:11 am
Absolutely. These 'vaccines' are not 'protecting' workforces and indeed will make most of them sicker as we are already seeing from the huge numbers of adverse reactions including deaths. They are also not 'vaccines' - they are patented as 'gene technology therapy' or other medical interventions.
18 February 2021 at 11:56 am
I would welcome Daniel’s comments on the change in law on 25/03/20, where it now only requires one doctor’s signature (previously two) to declare someone mentally unstable. Why would a government want to implement that law?
Similarly, on the same date, the law was changed for “do not resuscitate” whereby only one signature is now required (the patient’s, who may be in some state of confusion), previously two signatures. Again, why would a government want to implement this?
18 February 2021 at 1:26 pm
Thanks for your good advices. What about discrimination of people who are not vaccinated? what if we need a health passport to travel?
18 February 2021 at 5:44 pm
Would be interesting to hear the legal aspect of society, insurance or business venue driven vaccination rules... i.e no hair cut if you don't have a covid jab.
19 February 2021 at 12:08 am
Was not wholly impressed with this. The barrister unconvincingly stated that he was personally going to be first in the line for his vaccination. Was this done to appease the Govt, cover himself and indirectly promote unlicensed, inadequately tested and experimental vaccines never before used on humans! He also left of major considerations such as those employees of companies mandating vaccines, who already have medical conditions, auto-immunity, allergies, past adverse reactions etc. He never covered such an aspect. If an employer forced a mandatory vaccine on their staff in the knowledge that the member of staff had a medical condition or anything else that would exclude them from having a vaccine (i.e. pregnancy, childbearing age, possibility of pregnancy at the time, fertility in men and women, religious grounds against abhorted fetal cells etc) and then that person died, had a life-changing adverse effect or any other injury, because of a medical condition, the employer is taking a huge risk and there would be legal problems. The barrister never covered this and almost seemed in support of employers mandating this. Very serious concerns here as to what this is all about. Also again almost encouraging and promoting of NHS and care organisations to push mandatory vaccines for staff. By his keeness to get vaccinated himself, for a barrister he does not seem to have done a great deal of medical research. Not impressed. Why would employers be claiming to protect staff when such vaccines offer no protection whatsoever. Think he needs to re-do this video. Sadly it seems that this whole employment issue is just a way of the Government passing on the responsibility to employers if staff get sick or die from the 'vaccine' which is actually not a vaccine at all and is a 'medical intervention' and 'gene technology therapy'. A very different kettle of fish to a vaccine. So mandating a 'vaccine' is very different from mandating an experimental medical intervention. Again this is something he completely missed.
21 February 2021 at 10:30 am
It has been repeatedly confirmed that the jab does not prevent infection not transmission !!!
So please remind us once again , what are we taking the vaccine for?
Here are 12 important questions and answers before considering getting vaccinated:
●"If I get vaccinated can I stop wearing a mask(s)?"
Government: "NO"
●"If I get vaccinated will the restaurants, bars, schools, fitness clubs, hair salons, etc. reopen and will people be able to get back to work like normal?
Government: "NO"
●"If I get vaccinated will I be resistant to Covid?"
Government: "Maybe. We don't know exactly, but probably not."
●"If I get vaccinated, at least I won't be contagious to others - right?"
Government: "NO. the vaccine doesn’t stop transmission."
●"If I get vaccinated, how long will the vaccine last?"
Government: "No one knows. All Covid "vaccines" are still in the experimental stage."
● "If I get vaccinated, can I stop social distancing?"
Government: "NO"
● "If my parents, grandparents and myself all get vaccinated can we hug each other again?"
Government: "NO"
● "So what's the benefit of getting vaccinated?"
Government: "Hoping that the virus won't kill you."
●"Are you sure the vaccine won't injure or kill me?"
Government: "NO"
●"If statistically the virus won't kill me (99.7% survival rate), why should I get vaccinated?"
Government: "To protect others."
●"So if I get vaccinated, I can protect 100% of people I come in contact with?"
Government: "NO"
● "If I experience a severe adverse reaction, long term effects (still unknown) or die from the vaccine will I (or my family) be compensated from the vaccine manufacture or the Government?"
Government: "NO - the government and vaccine manufactures have 100% zero liability regarding this experimental drug"
So to summarize, the Covid19 "vaccine"...
Does not provide immunity
Does not eliminate the virus
Does not prevent death
Does not guarantee you won’t get it
Does not stop you from passing it on to others
Does not eliminate the need for travel bans
Does not eliminate the need for business closures
Does not eliminate the need for lockdowns
Does not eliminate the need for masking
Now ask yourself what is the vaccine for ???????? Bill Gates and Co have the answer to that ! It's called depopulation, Nazi style extermination !
If after reading this you still decide to get the "vaccine"...GOOD LUCK & DON'T SAY YOU WEREN'T WARNED ...And people who question this lunacy are called “crazy”.
27 February 2021 at 3:37 pm
Daniel Barnett says that in order for the government to bring in compulsory vaccinations they would need to get the bill through the Commons, the Lords and get Royal assent. The government has repeatedly brought in legislation via Statutory Instrument (like Executive Orders of US) virtually overnight, WITHOUT Parliamentary debate. The Lords has not sat for months and the Commons also barely functions. The Queen has not been part of Royal Assent for years, she has virtually abdicated her responsibility. This is no longer a democracy. I believe the government could just as easily produce another statutory instrument to change the legislation for mandatory vaccines or vaccine passports. However, they do not need to make it mandatory in law, as they have already put the seed of COVID vaccinations being required to do anything in life: travel, for a job, going to an event or even a pub. The employers and organisations will make it mandatory for a "normal" life.
27 February 2021 at 4:52 pm
Here is something to think about. The three main drugs used in the US for execution by lethal injection are widely used in the COVID response. 1. Midazolam prescriptions DOUBLED during the first lockdown (often used in care homes). This, combined with the Do Not Resuscitate orders and inability to see family carried off many of the elderly in care homes. 2. Vecuromium Bromide (90% death rate when on a ventilator and those that recovered believed it was covid that they almost died from but didn't realise they were being poisoned with bromide. (used to provide skeletal muscle relaxation and to help with intubation. Most notably, is potassium chloride. Potassium chloride is used to STOP THE HEART. What are we seeing so much of now? Young people in perfect health dying of heart attacks following the COVID vaccine. Potassium chloride is an ingredient in the Pfizer vaccine, which has proven to be one of the worst for Adverse Drug Reactions. Now, the government has prioritised 150,000 people with learning difficulties to get the vaccine and working with local authorities and GP registers to find those who are not registered. This is no better than the Nazi Angels of Death administering "mercy deaths". Depopulation covered up by COVID. The sheep are sleepwalking to the slaughter house.
18 June 2021 at 8:12 am
Is it not classed as vaccine trafficking. Sex trafficking. Forcing someone to have sex. Child trafficking. Forcing a child away from their parents. Vaccine trafficking. Forcing someone to have a vaccine.
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