Please find below a letter received today from the Food Standards Agency in the UK which demonstrates that legislators and the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) have acknowledged the significance of ANH's legal challenge.

However, it is essential that pressure is maintained given that very extensive dossiers  to show the safety of plant extracts, phytonutrients, probiotics, amino acids, essential fatty acids, fibre and enzymes etc would be likely to create an even greater hurdle for leading-edge food supplements than the dossier system for vitamins and minerals.  In addition ANH's work to ensure appropriate settings of maximum dosage levels, and proper scientific risk assessment is critical.

Letter to the Alliance for Natural Health


23 June 2005






As you know, the resource recently provided by the Food Standards Agency has ensured that a number of dossiers have been given derogation and can remain on the market after 1 August.  We nevertheless recognise that a large number of substances will still not be covered by dossiers and therefore will not be available for use in products after this date.  In view of the short time between the ruling from the European Court of Justice and the date the Directive comes into effect, the Agency has agreed to give derogation in response to the provision of basic information.  This information will then be forwarded to the European Commission and the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA).  This will maintain consumer choice and ensure that as many substances as possible are submitted for evaluation by EFSA and allow products to remain on the market for the foreseeable future although companies may need to provide more information to EFSA in order for products to be marketed indefinitely.


Information addressing the following points should be submitted to the Agency with a covering letter by 10 July to allow transmission to the Commission by its 12 July deadline.


Contact name and address for company

Name of substance

Length of time available on the market

Are you aware of any reports of adverse effects associated with these substances