For the monthly price of a cappuccino or a herbal tea in a café — why wouldn’t you? This modest amount buys you membership of the Alliance for Natural Health (ANH) International as an individual ANH Pathfinder.

Not familiar with what it is to be a Pathfinder? In a military context, pathfinders are the paratroopers that land ahead of the main force to map out the drop zone. In a non-military context, pathfinders are people who discover a new course or new way through, or into, unexplored or less well understood areas of human endeavour.

Well, that’s just what we at ANH have been doing for nearly two decades as a non-profit organisation and through our many collaborations with the public, with scientists, with lawyers, with a diverse range of health practitioners, and with businesses.

We’ve used our signature blend of good science and good law to create and deliver CARE. That’s an acronym for our main activities that are divided into Choices, Actions, Research and Education – all with the purpose of reconnecting humanity with nature in our quest to optimise our health. The simplest way of explaining what we do at ANH involves just 3 words: Create. Health. Naturally.

Becoming an ANH Pathfinder...

Means you become part of our growing, grassroots community of individuals who share the common desire to create and regenerate health, while fully respecting two fundamental principles of medical ethics, namely  autonomy and justice. With ageing populations and an ever-rising tide of chronic, infectious and autoimmune diseases, autonomy and the ability to proactively self-care during the entire course of our lives is crucial if we’re not to unnecessarily burden health care services that we might one day need.

To do all of this we also need to be able to challenge efforts by governments or businesses that infringe or restrict our ability to live our lives in ways that enable us to use natural means of health care as our mainstay. We need to combat bias and conflicts of interest in science – and diligently protect the need for freedom of expression and open, not shut down, scientific and medical discourse.     

One of major drivers for ANH becoming a membership organisation is to allow our community of Pathfinders to engage in open discourse in a climate that’s heralded the application of ‘cancel culture’ to those who question the rationale behind the mainstream approach to the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic.

Your support as an ANH Pathfinder will help us to help you. We’re passionate about freedom, so stay with us as long as you think it’s worth it. We really hope you’ll be with us for the long haul because we’re convinced we’re at one of those once-in-a-millennium choice points or bifurcations for our species. We need to see this through and do what it takes. We’ll continue to do whatever we can within the scope of our limited resources, punching well above our weight as we’ve done since we started in 2002, so that we can meet our side of the bargain.

We’d be delighted to have you onboard as an ANH Pathfinder. The journey, we promise you, will be one to remember, and one that helps determine how the next generation gets to live and manage health.

Benefits of becoming an ANH Pathfinder member

  • Access to special, locked, member-only content — articles, features, interviews and videos
  • A monthly, live, Q&A with Rob, Meleni and the rest of the ANH team
  • A monthly, live, meditation circle - the Intention Circle - with Meleni
  • Free Member webinars
  • Regular webinars for health professionals
  • Discounts in our shop
  • Discounts on Health Creation Faculty events

Solo Pathfinder Member

Pay a single annual fee and receive a 10% discount or choose to spread your payments monthly. Please note VAT will be added at the checkout.

As part of your Pathfinder membership you will automatically be subscribed to the ANH-Intl weekly Heartbeat newsletter and a separate membership list. Both form an important conduit for us to share information with you. We will never share your details with any third party.

£45 pa / £3.75 month (renews automatically)