Natural News Roundup (week 18/2022)
04 May 2022
Obesity – an unexplained epidemic?; Vitamins not drugs for ADHD; Autism & gut health; Vegetable rich diet improves health as we age; Artificial sweeteners damage liver health; Dimming the sun to combat climate change
Feature: Exploring the links between SARS-CoV-2, covid ‘vaccines’, HIV and immune deficiency
18 March 2022
ANH founder Rob Verkerk PhD counterposes the views of a Nobel laureate with the scientific mainstream and raises questions over a major conspiracy
News / ANH Covid Zone / Health / Campaigns
ANH-Intl Feature: Are we lighting the fuse of an autoimmune time bomb?
17 February 2021
Informed by the research and views of Prof Shoenfeld, the ‘father of immunity’, we consider whether the current pandemic could trigger a super-epidemic of autoimmunity