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Exponential rise in online censorship
Even the President of the United States is no longer immune from the censors. Flexing their combined might the main social media platforms have permanently suspended President Trump’s accounts following the recent rally in Washington citing risk of violence as the reason for the deplatforming. UK based, Talk Radio who have spoken out against lockdowns, found themselves the victim of YouTube censors when their account was suspended recently, although it has now been reinstated following appeal. Before Christmas, Twitter announced it would be cracking down on what it perceives to be vaccine misinformation, whilst Google have announced an open fund for projects focused on debunking vaccine misinformation further tightening the screws on anyone who dares question mainstream narratives. In another abuse of their combined might Big Tech ganged up on FB alternative, Parler, forcing them to close down until they can move to an alternative host due to allegations the Washington rally was organised via the platform. There is a small glimmer of hope in Poland as the government there announced that social media companies censoring free speech in the country will face a $2.2million fine. Recent actions have set a dangerous precedent giving Big Tech carte blanche to do as they wish to prevent people from speaking out. The restriction an individual’s right to free speech by private companies amounts to an unprecedented abuse of power by. A new report from The Project on Computational Propaganda brings the online manipulation of public opinion and its threat to democracy by governments and other authorities into sharp focus. However, it’s worth remembering that the roots of censorship are based in fear. Fear that the free exchange of ideas and opinions could threaten, destabilise and destroy the agendas of those who perceive themselves to be in the driving seat. But rapidly increasing and widespread censorship often heralds the collapse of such agendas too.
The cost of eating meat
German researchers claim the production of traditional organic pasture raised meat produces similar levels of emissions as conventionally reared meat. Publishing in Nature Communications the researchers consider the impact of meat, dairy and plant-based foods on the environment concluding dairy and plant foods produced organically have a reduced environmental footprint, but meat produced organically has a similar footprint to conventionally raised meat. Translating this into product costs conventionally produced animal and dairy products were found to cost significantly more than organic products, but there was a still a high environmental cost to be shouldered. ‘Sacred Cow’ is a new film exploring the use of regenerative farming practices to return the health and productivity of previously unusable land. The film makes the case that methane produced by cattle is fundamentally different to that from fossil fuels and therefore has a different impact on the environment. The film, which brings the issue of food production and its impact on the environment into sharp focus is particularly timely as a new study published in PNAS warns of the looming “biotic annihilation” of wildlife due the encroachment of human activities, particularly those associated with food production. These concerns are also reflected in a paper published in Nature Sustainability, which warns of the loss of millions of square kilometres of natural ecosystems to meet future demands for human food chains and the threat it poses to biodiversity.
Covid-19 drives healthy lifestyle changes
A recent survey, carried out by Public Health England as part of its ‘Better Health' project, suggests 8 in 10 adults surveyed plan to make changes to their lifestyle in 2021 to improve their health. The survey revealed that people are snacking less, exercising more and drinking less alcohol, although a third of people reported snacking, smoking and drinking more. In the coming year 40% of 6 million 40-60 year olds, plan to eat more healthily, 39% to lose weight and 41% to exercise more. The news is particularly welcome given individuals who are obese and/or suffering from chronic disease are at significantly higher risk of becoming seriously ill due to covid-19. As the New Year kicks off, this is the perfect time to treat yourself to a copy of our new eBook to give you the information and inspiration you need to improve your metabolic health and wellbeing and reduce your risk from a range of viruses including SARS-CoV-2.
Covid-19 and natural health
Interest in the use of supplementation and natural health options has sky-rocketed during the pandemic. In Australia, experts from the World Naturopathic Federation (WNF) formed a Rapid Review Task Force to gather data on the effectiveness of nutraceuticals that may be used as both an adjunctive treatment for covid-19, but also be used to support the recovery process. In Thailand, the health ministry has approved the use of the herbal remedy Andrographis Paniculata to treat those with mild covid symptoms. In its response to the pandemic, Cuba has included the homeopathic remedy PrevengHo® in its National Protocol for covid-19 as a preventative measure. Out of 45,914 patients who were given the remedy in April 2020, only 62 patients became covid positive. Once again underlining the importance of natural options to support immune system resilience.
Covid, Vitamin D & C
A new petition has been launched in the UK calling on the Government to fund a public health campaign to raise the awareness of the importance of vitamin D for supporting immune health. As calls for the widespread use of higher dose vitamin D increase the UK government is due to debate the matter. In its most recent guidance the UK government recommends individuals to take 400 IU of vitamin D daily, however the guidance also states that supplementing with 4,000 IU a day is safe. This is the amount that ANH and many other health professionals recommend to achieve optimal levels of vitamin D to robustly support the immune and other body systems. The first randomised placebo-controlled trial, published in Annals of Intensive Care, of high dose IV vitamin C (IVC) in covid patients in critical care units reports an 80% lower mortality rate in those given IVC. The trial also found those given IVC had a steady improvement in lung function compared to those who didn’t receive IVC treatment. Sadly, the team running the trial ran out of patients, which has reduced the statistical significance of their results. Nevertheless, the results provide yet more evidence of the power of a simple inexpensive vitamin to combat viral illness, even at its most serious.
UK approves bee killing pesticide
No sooner is Brexit done than comes the news that the UK Government have authorised the use of neonicotinoid pesticides in the UK, despite an EU wide ban due to the damage they wreak on pollinating insects and biodiversity. An emergency authorisation for the “limited and controlled’ use of thiamethoxam has been made for the short-term use (120 days) of the pesticide on sugar beet crops due to reduced yields in 2020. With the robust protections afforded by the EU no longer in force this could be the start of a slippery slope into the welcoming arms of Big Agra.
Bill Gates finances geo-engineering project
Bill Gates has turned his attention to geoengineering in a bid to stop global warming. Scientists believe that by spraying particles that reflect the sun into the Earth’s atmosphere they can dim the sun and trigger global cooling to offset the current trend for global warming. Geoengineering research has been ongoing for many years, but has been beset by controversy with opponents warning of extreme weather shifts due to the manipulation of the natural climate. There are also fears such mitigation strategies would stop people changing their behaviours to reduce our impact on the planet.
your voice counts
15 January 2021 at 1:11 pm
People who criticise organically raised cattle and their impact on the environment don't take into account how much less greenhouse gas is produced when cow manure is used to fertilise pasture rather than chemicals. Chemicals produce huge amounts of greenhouse gases in their production, being carted round the world and in their use. Cows don't produce nitrous oxide, they stamp carbon into the soil so we're rid of it, and according to Graham Harvey, there are various plants in different parts of the country that absorb methane (if only they weren't all cut down). Other things are also being discovered you can feed cows that cut down the methane emissions. It's the chemicals we should be concentrating on.
05 February 2021 at 12:25 pm
A friend of a friend took 4000 IUS of vitamin D for a long time. Recently she had a test and found she had too much in her blood. My friend also told me she'd bought tests for the family and her son and daughter-in-law who spent a lot of time outdoors had seriously low levels of D in their blood. The problem is that people's requirements for the vitamin vary enormously. People who have low levels to start with, or are suffering from the virus, need to be topped up. Ideally the rest of us should have a test but I read somewhere that at some stage, possibly not recently, the government told GPs not to give it because it was too expensive.
05 February 2021 at 4:22 pm
Hi Shirley
We agree that people should test their levels prior to supplementing. We've written about this as part of our vitamin D campaign - As you say everyone has different needs.
You're correct that in the UK many GP surgeries no longer test vitamin D due to the costs involved as is has been deemed as an uneccessary cost by many clinical commissioning groups.
Warm regards
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