I would not have bothered if I did not have serious concerns that something would come to us that could have serious consequences for all of us and our society.- Prof. Arne Burkhardt
Prof. Arne Burkhardt, a renowned pathologist, passed away following a tragic accident on 30 May 2023, aged 79. Tributes have poured in for Prof Burkhardt, who came out of retirement to speak out against the harms of covid jabs, knowing that by doing so he could potentially save thousands of lives.
Born in Germany in 1944, Dr Burkhardt was a pathologist with more than 40 years of diagnostic and teaching experience under his belt. He is the author of more than 150 original publications in international journals. His motto was "Learning from the dead for the living".
Whether you knew him or not his example shone a light across the void created by the lack of autopsies exploring the links between covid injections and deaths. He was censored and defamed because his findings challenged the mainstream narrative that covid jabs are safe.
>>> Sign the book of condolence for Dr Arne Burkhardt
He entered the covid fray, along with his colleague, Dr Walter Lang, in 2021 both of whom recognised the gross violation of the primary ethic of healthcare practitioners "Nil Nocere" - First, do no harm. They started by analysing post-mortem tissue of people who were suspected of dying following covid injections. The results of their analysis, presented at the Pathologie Konferenz, organised by Drs Burkhardt and Lang, confirmed ten people died as a direct result of injuries caused by the covid jabs. He went on to publish a report with Dr Sucharit Bhakdi detailing clear signs of autoimmune reactions in 14 out of 15 patients who died following covid jabs.
As recently as the 3rd May this year, Dr Burkhardt gave a presentation at the Covid Summit III (here and here) in the EU Parliament where he presented test results from 75 autopsies of people who died following covid injections. His conclusion: covid jabs are associated with damage to heart muscle cells, nerve cells, vessels and elastic lamellae.
Prof Burkhardt was a member of the Society of Physicians and Scientists for Health, Freedom and Democracy, an organisation created in 2020 in protest against the German government's covid restrictions.
Together with his team, his contribution to providing evidence of the harms of covid injections leaves a lasting legacy to his tenacity and srength along with his resolve to uphold the ethics so badly damaged during the pandemic
Watch Dr Burkhardt’s presentation at the recent 'Pandemic Strategies: Lessons and Consequences – International Conference' in Stockholm where he revealed the hugely damaging impact of covid jabs on fertility. Famously commenting, that were he a woman, he would not choose to have a child with a man who had been covid jabbed!
>>> Official obituary for Dr Arne Bhurkhardt
>>> Visit covidzone.org for our complete curated covid content of the coronavirus crisis
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