When you try to publish counter-narrative science….
14 March 2024
How a well-oiled machine swung into action to ensure a review revealing copious quality and safety concerns with COVID-19 vaccines was retracted
News / ANH Covid Zone / Health / Campaigns
Winners and losers in the covid-19 crisis
26 January 2022
In the absence of objective metrics, how do you feel about the lists we’ve created?
News / ANH Covid Zone / Health / Campaigns
ANH Covid Zone
This is our Covid Zone campaign page that links you to all the content we've created and published on our website as it relates to Covid-19 since 12 March 2020.
Control group findings revealed Down Under
28 September 2022
Rob Verkerk PhD presents to the Health Alliance Australia, sharing insights into the results of the analysis of Control Group untouched by the covid-19 'vaccines'
News / ANH Covid Zone / Health / Campaigns
World Covid-19 Congress – Iguassu Falls, Brazil
13 July 2022
Speaking up and speaking out in a bid to reclaim medicine and sound bioethics
News / ANH Covid Zone / Health / Campaigns / Education
Walk & Talk: How do we get outside our echo chamber?
13 July 2022
Rob Verkerk talks clots, reverse transcription and reproductive impacts that should be ringing alarm bells in those responsible for the covid-19 response
News / ANH Covid Zone / Health / Campaigns
Covid-19 science update
19 March 2020
A Rumsfeldian journey through the emerging science around Covid-19
Breaking News: Unvaxxed ‘Control group’: first release of survey data
09 June 2022
Find out how over 300,000 health-aware unvaxxed people from around the world have fared with COVID-19, choices & discrimination
News / ANH Covid Zone / Health / Campaigns / Research
World Covid-19 Congress – Iguassu Falls, Brazil - Pierre Kory MD
Speaking up and speaking out in a bid to reclaim medicine and sound bioethics. Dr Pierre Kory's Opening Address at the World Covid-19 Congress in Brazil
World Covid-19 Congress – Iguassu Falls, Brazil - Dr Katarina Lindley
Speaking up and speaking out in a bid to reclaim medicine and sound bioethics. Dr Katarina Lindley's Opening Address at the World Covid-19 Congress in Brazil