Did we hear you say you're struggling to find the time to read books or long articles these days?
Well, you've come to the right place! Our founder, Rob Verkerk PhD, last week published on our website a 7,500 word article explaining how the scientific establishment is connecting with Big Everything (= Government, Pharma, Tech, Social, Media, etc) to demonise their version of 'scientific misinformation'. This is about protecting the status quo and avoiding any need to face scrutiny or engage in discourse.
What's more, ingeniously, they've found a way of making themselves immune from scientific misinformation, regardless of the quality or objectivity of their research, findings or conclusions.
That's a problem for science - and it's an even bigger problem for society and for each one of us.
>>> You can watch the video summary or listen to the podcast below — or read the full article here.
Watch the video
Video share link: https://odysee.com/@ANHInternational:5/230309_Trust_in_Science:0
Listen to the podcast
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your voice counts
10 March 2023 at 7:47 am
Rob, as always, has described the current attack on society in a very concise manner that we all should take note of. I to have seen the rise of social control and the divide and conquer tactics being used against us slowly creeping up to ensnare our liberty and freedom of speech.
If the masses continue to stick their heads in the sand, it does not give me hope for the future of us or our children.
Thank you Rob, Mel and your team at ANH for continuing to fight the good fight
Your voice counts
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