The Oxford Campaign to Protect Herbal Medicine presents a one day conference: The Vital Contribution Of Herbal Medicine

The conference will provide an opportunity for interested members of the public, herbalists and other healthcare professionals to reflect upon the essential principles and values that underlie the practice of herbal medicine, and to raise awareness of the singular gift that herbalism has to give to a needful world. In the face of an increasingly hostile political and economic environment, this conference has been organised out of a concern for how the future of herbal medicine can best be fostered and protected. The conference will include presentations from eminent practitioners of four of the major traditions of herbalism: Chris Etheridge (Western), Ming Zhao Cheng (Chinese), Mingji Cuomu (Tibetan) and Sebastian Pole (Ayurvedic). The conference will be chaired by Michael McIntyre. 

10 am - 5 pm   Price £60.00 (includes lunch and refreshments)