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In Northern climes the days are lengthening as Spring beckons and the light comes flooding back. Yet, in some parts, ever more draconian restrictions are being pushed on citizens pushing people to make decisions based in fear rather than through informed consent making it hard to believe that things are taking a turn for the better.
Chinks of light are now turning to gaping holes as some restrictions begin to be lifted in some countries, mandates are opposed and stopped in their tracks and citizens around the world come together to show their deep concern at continued attempts to remove fundamental rights and freedoms.
We've trawled mainstream and alternative media threads to bring together the latest news on the coronavirus crisis that you are unlikely to find on most mainstream media channels. Don't be too despondent - there's a lot of good and hopeful news too!
Pushbacks & positives!
- The UK government has announced the lifting of Plan B restrictions in England on the 27th January. The wearing of face masks will no longer be mandated and the use of covid passes won’t be compulsory. Work from guidance has been lifted with immediate effect. The Prime Minister credited the introduction of booster shots for the about turn, even though the science suggests something rather different! The announcement comes hot on the heels of Nicola Sturgeon's announcement that restrictions implemented before Christmas will be lifted from the 24th January
- Under proposed new legislation, the UK government sought to sneak the banning of protests by the people into law. In a rare pushback and demonstration that democracy is not completely lost in the UK, the House of Lords has defeated the government’s attempts to bring these draconian restrictions into being
- Saturday 22nd January will see millions of people taking to the streets of towns and cities around the world. To find out where your nearest protest is visit the Worldwide Demonstrations Telegram channel
- Defeat the Mandates is calling on American citizens to join together to march peacefully on Washington DC on 23rd January 2022 to defeat the imposition of vaccine mandates that’s seeing thousands of people lose their jobs and massive discrimination based on an individual’s medical status. Dr Pierre Kory will be marching to defeat the mandates; will you be joining him?
- As part of sweeping reforms the newly elected governor of Virginia in the US has rescinded both the current schools mask mandate and vaccine mandates for state workers
- Vaccine mandates for the over 60s and some workers imposed by the outgoing Czech government have been swept aside by the new govenrment
- A new report from The Royal Society 'The online information environment' provides an overview of how the internet has changed the way people engage with scientific information, and how it may be affecting people’s decision-making and behaviour. It concludes that although misinformation around scientific issues can cause problems, the censoring of such information is problematic and more likely to undermine public trust and the scientific process
- The American Medical Association (AMA) is calling for physicians to be stripped of the licence to practise if they openly disagree with the narrative from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) around covid. Pandemics Data & Analytics (PANDA) has published a detailed open letter to the AMA and its president Dr Gerald Harmon calling for the AMA to revoke its “extremely harmful stance” to ensure that patients receive the best evidence-care available as well as protecting informed consent and freedom of choice, regardless of whether or not it complies with potentially harmful mainstream narratives
- Following the blocking of covid jab mandates in the US, the General Electric Co will no longer require its workers to be covid jabbed or continue with covid testing. Starbucks has also announced it will rescind jab requirements for its US workers. In a tweet, co-author of the Great Barrington Declaration, Dr Jay Bhattacharya, is calling on companies that have already fired workers because of the threatened mandates to rehire them and for customers to ask companies if they have done this
- The Israeli Association of Public Health Physicians (IAPHP) released a statement calling on the government to limit covid testing and only quaranting those who have symptomatic covid infections. Following a rebuke by the Health Minister the Association said the statement was released by the Chair of the IAPHP and was not the consensus of the Medical Association's Coronavirus Experts Forum
- German school children left soft toys wearing masks on school steps to represent children that won’t attend public schools until the mask mandates have been lifted
- UK Celebrity Chef, Antony Worrall Thompson is being accused of being ‘anti-vax’ for his stance against discrimination of any type. The attack comes after a sign was put up in his pub that says he won’t discriminate based on race, gender, age, disability, vaccinated and unvaccinated. When challenged he robustly defended his position saying it was time to move forward and put the past couple of years behind us
- As the mass sacking of UK NHS workers who’ve not been covid jabbed looms ever nearer the Royal College of Nursing has called for the mandate implementation to be delayed due to the devastation such an exodus will cause to an already depleted service, calling the move “self-sabotage” and warning of the catastrophic impact on the delivery of services if sackings go ahead. A leaked document from the Department of Health and Social Care warns that new evidence in relation to the omicron variant has changed the evidence base that MPs voted on in November casting doubts over the mandate's rationality and proportionality
- A theatre in the Netherlands is getting creative in order to circumvent after putting up with more than two years of ongoing cororonavirus restrictions that have prevented theatres from opening. The venue, along with nearly 70 others, is being turned into a hair salon (because they're allowed to open) for a day with 'customers' being able to watch performances while they get their hair cut. Further protests are expected to take place over the weekend as people express their anger and dissatisfaction at continued government overreach, with many businesses reported to be ready to ignore restrictions in order open
- The Canadian Civil Liberties Association (CCLA) has launched a blistering attack on the Health Minister of Quebec after he said a ‘health’ tax would be introduced for anyone refusing to be covid jabbed. The statement comes following news that the Justice Centre for Constitutional Freedoms (JCCF) is launching a legal challenge against the imposition of the tax
- Turkey has lifted the requirement for jab-free people to take PCR tests to participate in many activities including flying and attending events
- Mask mandates in Paris have been overturned by a Court one day after a similar judgement in the Yvelines Department. The court stated the mandate was disproportionate and an infringement of personal freedoms. French citizens will now be able to choose whether or not they wear masks
- A battle between the Canadian government and truckers is developing after the Trudeau government reinstated a jab mandate less than 24 hours after lifting it. In response to the reinstated mandate thousands of Canadian truckers are planning a slow roll Freedom Convoy and are raising money to cover the costs of the trip, which will start on January 23rd. A leading Canadian lawyer, Allison Kindle Pejovic, has said that jab mandates contravene the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms that prohibits attempts to force medical treatments on citizens against their will
- A group representing 600 police officers in Austria have sent an open letter to the government calling for mandated jabs to be withdrawn and discrimination against jab-free officers ended as the threat of jab mandates looms large. The letter states police officers want to stop harassing Austrian citizens and return to normal duties as ‘friends and helpers’ for people.
- As the UK government removes restrictions in England Reuters report that it’s seen a document stating UK officials are planning to withdraw free tests and start charging English residents for lateral flow tests from June
- A judge in Canada has suspended a father’s right to see his child because he isn’t covid jabbed. The judge ruled that despite his son being jabbed the move was to protect the child because of his father’s jab status and his opposition to covid restrictions. The judge also branded him a conspiracy theorist because of the nature of posts on his Facebook page
- Members of the Royal Navy have been told they will be discharged from the service if they refuse to be covid jabbed
- French politicians have upped the ante as Parliament approved the toughening of restrictions on jab-free people meaning they will be excluded from many public venues as Macron attempts to force more people to give in to his bullying and coercion
- Italian Catholic priests in two diocese are reported to have been banned from giving Holy Communion if they are jab-free following the issuing of decrees by the bishops overseeing the diocese
- A woman in Queensland, Australia was arrested by five police officers checking vaccine passports in a shop she had visited to get a coffee when she realised she didn’t have the requisite papers and tried to leave
- Nike is reported to have begun firing workers who haven’t met the company’s deadline to prove their jab status despite the fact the Biden mandates have been dismissed by the Supreme Court
- NHS workers who refuse to be covid jabbed and are sacked will not be given any compensation. GPs and practice staff who remain jab-free that cannot be redeployed are also likely be sacked creating fear that many will choose to leave adding to the existing shortage of GPs. Regardless of data protection laws employers will be given direct access to employee’s records in order to find out what their jab status is. GP surgeries are also being advised that should they retain any jab-free staff they should make them use separate access to the surgery in order to avoid contact with patients
- Life for jab-free people in Western Australia is about to become a lot more difficult after the Premier, Mark McGowan, announced the strictest and most extensive restrictions yet implemented in Australia for anyone who’s unjabbed starting on the 5th February
- Parents in Minnesota who agree to have their 5 to 11-year-old children covid jabbed can now get a $200 gift card in return as the Governor pushes to get more children injected
- In the ultimate display of discrimination women in Scotland who are jab-free will be denied fertility treatment unless they agree to be jabbed
- California health authorities are firing health care workers that are jab-free leaving health care systems understaffed. In an effort to try and cover the shortages, they are changing the rules to allow jabbed workers who test positive but have no symptoms to continue working regardless of the transmission risk to patients by a jabbed individual
- Washington DC mayor, Muriel Bowser, has reminded residents of the need to ensure they have proof of being jabbed and a mask for anyone over the age of 12 before they leave home as draconian covid restrictions are enacted
- Reports from the US reveal the cruel treatment of the relatives of unjabbed people who die with covid as they are denied death benefits that would be paid out had they issued their informed consent to covid-19 jabs.
Masks are neither effective at preventing transmission of the SARS-CoV-2 virus nor are they safe to wear according to a new report collating available evidence released by physicist, John Droz, Jr.
Child Health
In a passionate excerpt on GB News, Sophie Corcoran spoke about the harms caused to teenagers as a result of lockdowns, cancellation of exams and mask wearing in schools. The trauma of the past two years is likely to haunt those who lived through for many years to come and some may never overcome the fears forced on them.
Natural Immunity
New data released by the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention show that prior infection offered strong protection against covid during the delta wave — and that the number of cases and hospitalisation rates were lower amongst people who had recovered from covid and developed natural immunity as opposed to those who had been vaccinated.
Efforts to stop the covid jab programme in the UK continues apace following the registration of a complaint (now allotted Crime Number 60296779/21) with the Metropolitan Police in a coordinated campaign led by Dr Sam White; Philip Hyland (PJH Law); Lois Bayliss (Broad Yorkshire Law) and retired policeman, Mark Sexton. Check out the ad in a local Rotherham newspaper below. You can stay up to date with the case and the campaign to close jab centres via the team's Telegram channel
Dozens of Conservative MPs in the UK are backing a legal challenge being brought by campaign group UsForThem, over UK government guidelines for children to wear masks in the classroom due to the myriad negative effects mask wearing has on children. With the news that mask mandates in England are being lifted UsForThem is calling on people to write to their MP to ensure that mask wearing in schools is never reintroduced.
- Germany is threatening to shutdown Telegram in the country if it doesn’t conform to German law
- A father’s posts on Facebook after his seven-year-old son died from a massive heart attack following a covid ‘vaccine’ have been removed by the social media company in an effort to silence him. The censorship has only served to increase his efforts to warn other parents of the very real dangers of covid jabs to children
- Dr Meryl Nass has had her license to practise suspended for 30 days unless she agrees to stop treating patients after she was accused of spreading covid misinformation. The State Board has also ordered a psychological assessment of Dr Nass. Dr Nass remains defiant refusing to “roll over while the Board trashes the First Amendment, imposes government-designated medical care on patients and destroys the sacred bond between patients and their physicians”.
Exposing covid conspiracy
- Documents released by Project Veritas reveal how top US health officials deliberately conspired to block access to and discredit the use of hydroxychloroquine and ivermectin as early treatments for covid disease, which could've saved hundreds of thousands of people from dying
- Data from the UK’s Office for National Statistics (ONS) has revealed that less than 20,000 people are deemed to have died with covid had no known existing illnesses (comorbidities) following a Freedom of Information request.
Covid injections
- Israel has been administering a fourth covid shot to combat omicron, however preliminary data shows that it is not effective at stopping the spread of the virus or infection. In a wide ranging interview Professor Cyrille Cohen speaks to Freddie Sayers about the situation in Israel, the mistakes that have been made and why Israeli scientists are surprised at the failure of the covid jabs. Although additional antibodies were produced they quickly fell back to the level seen with the third shot. The data is consistent with the latest UKHSA report showing protection of less than 50% after 10 weeks from a third shot. Meanwhile a preprint study from Kaiser Permanente shows a significant reduction in hospitalisations and ICU admissions for those contracting the omicron variant
- The latest study, published on the preprint serve Researchgate, from Prof Norman Fenton and other leading pandemic analysts looks at data from the UK Office for National Statistics (ONS) comparing deaths in those who are jabbed and jab-free. They find the data to be both misleading and unreliable due to wide ranging data inconsistencies, errors and anomalies
- In an effort to dismiss increasing reports of vaccine adverse reactions (AERs) a new study, published in JAMA Open Network, reports on the 'nocebo effect' (where a person's negative expectations of treatment lead to negative side effects) in those taking part in vaccine trials and given a placebo shot. They found that though severity levels of AERs were similar in the placebo and jab cohorts, after a second shot the severity of AERs in the jab group increased significantly. Mainstream media has predictably featured the study as evidence that many of the milder reported adverse reactions such as headaches, short-term fatigue and arm pain are not related to constituents of the jab, but to a negative side effect of being jabbed generated through the nocebo response
- Evidence of harm caused by the spike protein from the SARS-CoV-2 virus following covid jabs has emerged after German pathologists found jab spike proteins in the vessels of someone who died 4 months after being injected. The team found the person had experienced vascular lesions and jab-induced myocarditis
- Following an application to the Sri Lankan Supreme Court expressing concerns over covid jab programmes and seeking to prevent the jabbing of children, the Court has ruled that ‘vaccination’ is not mandatory but voluntary contrary to proclamations from the Health Minister
- HART Group has published an open letter to the UK Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency (MHRA) calling for an "...immediate and urgent investigation" into signals indicating that was a surge in deaths in young males in the UK in 2021 that coincided with the introduction of covid jabs. The Office for National Statistics has reportedly accepted the numbers of deaths falls outside the accepted norm, but is yet to release requested data in order to further investigate the figures
- Businesses that insist workers receive covid jabs are at risk of legal action if staff members are vegan as all covid jabs have undergone animal testing and ethical veganism was ruled to be a protected characteristic at an employment tribunal last year
- Belgium has become the latest country to stop the use of the Moderna covid jab in those under the age of 31 due to the heightened risk of heart issues following injection
- The South African Commission for Gender Equality is warning against mandated covid shots following publication of a study showing the injections cause disruptions to women’s menstrual cycles. The Commission warns that under South Africa’s Constitution everyone has the right to bodily autonomy and should not be subjected to medical or scientific experimentation without appropriate consent
- A US Air Force pilot has exposed attempts to silence military personnel who have been injured by covid jabs after his adverse reactions were dismissed by service doctors as nothing more than anxiety related
- The Canadian COVID Care Alliance is a group of more than 500 Canadian scientists, doctors and healthcare workers who have released a detailed report showing the Pfizer covid injection is causing far more harm than good in those who have been jabbed. They have also released the report as a video which you can watch here
- Levels of antibodies to polyethylene glycol (PEG), which has a wide range of applications including in personal care products, are being increased in those who are jabbed with mRNA covid injections that already have existing antibodies
- Reported adverse reactions following covid jabs in Iceland are 500-1000 fold higher than those experienced in previous years following flu jabs based on the number of adverse reactions reported. In a second article on his blog, Thorsteinn Siglaugsson, reveals a concerning jump in the rate of covid infection following covid jabs after the 20th December. The rate of infection in jabbed people increased by eleven times compared to the rate of growth of a factor of 2.6 in those who are jab-free
- First you need two shots to beat the pandemic, then three and possibly four. Anthony Fauci has once again got his crystal ball out and moved the goalposts declaring a universal jab that covers all known and future variants is now needed in order to beat the pandemic
- Data from Public Health Scotland (PHE) published on the 12th January 2022 shows infections from and deaths with covid were higher in those that have been jabbed than those who remain jab-free.
- A new review published in the Indian Journal of Pharmacology suggests that ivermectin taken preventatively by hospital personnel reduces the risk of covid-19 infection by 89%. In the US, Anthony Fauci revealed (at the 17 minute mark) the ACTIV-6 study is looking at the use of repurposed drugs for the treatment of covid including ivermectin. Sadly the trial has likely been deliberately designed to fail as it will only administer ivermectin to covid patients for three days. A second study of Turkish covid patients published in Cureus, from Australian researchers, found that a treatment protocol of hydroxychloroquine, azithromycin & zinc, with or without vitamin C, is both safe and effective in the treatment of covid, with the use of high dose IV vitamin C leading to a significantly quicker recovery
- In a brand new interview with America's Frontline Doctors, Dr Tess Lawrie discusses the treatment and prevention of Covid-19 and how we are being systematically failed by our governments and the World Health Organisation (WHO)
- Vitamin D deficiency is associated with higher risks for SARS-CoV-2 infection and increased severity of disease according to a study following US veterans between February 2020 and November 2020, published in the Journal of General Internal Medicine
- A petition has been set up in New Zealand calling for an inquiry into the effectiveness of Dr Shankara Chetty’s (from South Africa) treatment protocol. The petition will close on 11 Feb 2022 so there’s still time to support it
Other News
- Hamsters are often used in animal trials by researchers seeking to understand disease progression and the efficacy and safety of new drugs and ‘vaccines’. Such is the case for SARS-CoV-2. Hong Kong authorities are instigating a mass cull of more than 2,000 pet hamsters after 11 animals in a pet shop were allegedly found to be infected with the SARS-CoV-2 virus over fears they could infect humans. Thousands of people are reported to have a signed a petition against the move
- Men who are overweight as young adults have a higher risk of experiencing severe covid disease when they’re much older according to a study of Swedish men published in Obesity
- Pfizer/BioNTech have signed a new agreement to collaborate on the development of an mRNA vaccine for shingles. Reports of shingles cases have been made following covid jabs. Moderna is about to start trials of a new mRNA vaccine to combat Epstein Barr Virus (the virus linked to glandular fever), which has also been associated with the development of several autoimmune diseases, including multiple sclerosis. Autoimmune diseases, von when associated with exposure to a given virus, are widely recognised as being multifactorial in nature
- A third of the UK government’s ‘nudge unit’, that has been instrumental in changing and controlling people’s behaviour and thoughts over the last two years, is being sold off to UK charity Nesta, the UK’s “innovation agency for social good” and nudge unit employees, with a third remaining with the government
- Care home residents and their families have expressed their anger at, once again, being flung into lockdown with residents being confined to their rooms and families unable to visit. Reports include residents feeling depressed, anxious and angry and becoming confused and losing their mobility
- A study published in the journal Viruses expressing concern over the ability of the SARS-CoV-2 viral spike protein to damage DNA, which received a lot of attention from those with concerns over the safety of covid jabs, has been issued with an expression of concern after one of the authors raised concerns about the methodology used in the study.
For our complete library of curated covid-related content going back to March 2020, please visit
your voice counts
20 January 2022 at 9:12 pm
It really fascinates me. The Government keeps pushing for us to have jabs for our sake and other peoples for the past two years and then turn around and are starting to allow gene therapy to come in through the back door with no strict ways of checking. How many people is that going to end up making ill or a lot worse.
Makes you wonder.
Thanks Rob and the others for this site.
20 January 2022 at 11:44 pm
I totally agree with you. This has to be stopped.
Your voice counts
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