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As notified in our article, ‘Want to be part of the sustainable health movement?’ on 22nd March 2018, the ANH-Intl position paper — ‘A Blueprint for Health System Sustainability in the UK’ — will be released for public consultation during the week of 9 April 2018. If you’d like to take part in the consultation please email the ANH team on [email protected], including ‘SHS consultation’ in the subject line so we can send you a copy of the draft position paper.
Cancer rates rise in obese adolescents
Being overweight or obese is the second biggest cause of cancer after smoking and is directly linked to the development of 13 types of cancer says Cancer Research UK. Typically, overweight/obese individuals aged over 50 have been found to be at higher risk of developing cancer. In recent years, the number of obese children worldwide has increased from 11 million in 1975 to 124 million in 2016. New data show that that 9 out of twenty of the most common cancers are now being reported in obese adolescents. The review also considers ways in which obesity impacts cancer progression and the epigenetic impact on our DNA. We have recently released two short videos entitled ‘The Obesity Fix’ part one and part two, which directly address this problem using diet and lifestyle interventions. Read the full article on the underlying cause of obesity and how to fix it – permanently!
Ibuprofen for Alzheimer’s
A report published in 2014 by the Alzheimer’s society in the UK predicted the number of people. affected by Alzheimer’s disease (AD) would rise to 2 million by 2051. As Big Pharma turns its back on Alzheimer’s disease research a new study presents a saliva test designed to measure the amount of the marker protein amyloid beta protein 42 (Abeta 42) thought to predict onset of AD. The study also suggests daily use of daily non-steroidal anti-inflammatories (NSAIDs) as a possible preventative treatment. However, the study did not test the use of NSAIDs in preventing or slowing the progression of AD. Neither did it make reference to the suite of side effects that continued use of NSAIDs can trigger. As with so many diseases of modern times, links have been found between the way we eat and live, as well as the impact of our environment on disease risk/progression. It’s never too soon or too late to start looking after your brain health. An excellent starting point is the ANH-Intl Food4Health guidelines with its 10 pointers to futureproof your and your family’s health.
Diet and lifestyle changes combat metabolic disease
Increasing levels of type 2 diabetes are causing substantial economic burden on healthcare systems worldwide. Researchers in Saudi Arabia looking at ways to combat type 2 diabetes, undertook a randomised, controlled trial of 294 pre-diabetic adults. Participants were assigned to three different groups to determine the effects of different interventions in reducing the risk of developing metabolic syndrome. One group received general advice on lifestyle changes, the second was put through an intensive lifestyle modification programme and a third received the same general advice as the first group along with the drug metformin (500 mg twice daily). Individuals assigned to the second group also underwent consultations with a dietician and a vitamin D expert, and received exercise advice. The study took place over a 12-month period with baseline measurements taken at the start, and then 6 months and 12 months after. At the end of the study, the group receiving intensive lifestyle intervention saw a 26% (“clinically significant”) reduction in risk, with the metformin/general advice group experiencing a 22.4% decrease in risk. By contrast, those receiving general advice only saw an 8.2% reduction in risk. We think the results could have been better still had the dietary advice been better. the key aspects of it were low fat (less than 30% by energy) and moderate fibre (15g per 1000 kcal). Low carb and high healthy fat would have elicited better results. Obesity and its associated disease risks is a complex affair, but there are solutions - the very best ones not involving drugs. Find out more about the underlying causes of obesity and how to permanently reset your metabolic system.
Evolutionary-norms vs ‘magic pills’ to shortcut
Research shows caloric restriction (CR) has a an anti-ageing effect and also improves mitochondrial function. However, despite numerous health benefits, adherence to CR can be limited. Previous research has looked at the use of nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide (NAD+) supplements as an alternative way of reversing mitochondrial decay, but until recently there was no research in humans. Researchers publishing in the journal Nature undertook a six week crossover trial in 60 healthy participants, using NAD+ to mimic CR and improve mitochondrial function without dietary changes. NAD+ was found to be well tolerated with no serious effects and stimulated NAD+ metabolism. However, caloric restriction is just one of our ‘evolutionary-norms’. Rather than seeking shortcuts and ‘magic pills’, more support is needed to teach how eating and living in line with our evolutionary blueprint is simple, effective and free! Here are some recent ANH articles for more information:
Fuel efficiency and the Food4Health plate
ANH-Intl Feature: Re-thinking your food choices for 2015 (Food4Health guidelines launch)
Ultra-processed food dangers – why we need to cook more from scratch
The Obesity Fix – Part 2: Drug-Free Solutions
Planning on getting high this holiday – on exercise!
Exercise as good as drugs for mortality risk reduction in chronic disease
ANH-Intl Feature: Protein kinases, caloric restriction and exercise
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your voice counts
05 May 2018 at 11:44 am
Dear Rob,
If we prepare a application for grant or Loan from Innovate UK for our concern how to bring down all metabolic related disorders in line with all natural ways would you be interested to come on board?
Kindly let me know,
Dr Eladevi Shah
10 May 2018 at 8:50 am
Dear Dr Shah
Rob would be very pleased to work with you in regards to your application. I will email you separately to continue the conversation.
Warm Regards
Your voice counts
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