Breaking News! The World Health Organization has declared an end to the covid-19 global health emergency, announced more than 3 years ago, effective immediately saying it's time for countries to move to treating it as an endemic disease that's here to stay.

In Brief (click on the links to read more)

Natural News

  • A celebration of life gathering for Ronnie Cummins will be held at the Vía Orgánica Ranch outside of San Miguel de Allende Mexico, Sunday May 7, 3:00 pm Central, 2:00 pm, Mexico, 9:00 pm GMT. Those who wish to remember Ronnie’s distinguished life and career are invited to light a candle and join the livestream.

>>>  Tribute to a legend of the organic, natural health and freedom movements

  • Results from the latest Alzheimer’s drug trials have been released by press release by Eli Lilly. Despite donanemab (a drug that tackles amyloid plaques) apparently showing a slowing of cognitive and functional decline in Alzheimer’s patients 2 with a possible third participant dying during the trials. Regardless of the deaths, Lilly is pushing ahead with seeking approval for the new drug preying on families desperate to tackle the declines associated with Alzheimer’s in their loved ones.

>>> You can combat Alzheimer’s disease naturally  Alzheimer’s disease: cheap nutrients outperform latest drug

  • Regular exercise improves brain health and may help to reduce the risk of developing dementia. A recent study conducted in the lab using mouse cells, published in Neuroscience, found that during exercise, muscle cells release certain substances when contracting, such as myokines, that travel to the brain and enhance plasticity through the regulation of astrocytes (support cells in the brain).

Find out more about the myriad benefits of exercise to our health and wellbeing both physical and mental

>>> ANH-Intl Feature: Protein kinases, caloric restriction and exercise

>>> Get active this summer and for life!

>>> VIDEO: The benefits of outdoor exercise

  • Being vegan doesn’t automatically mean it’s healthy. A recent study published in Nutrients analysing vegan diets, identified two categories of vegans, namely health conscious or convenience. It found that convenience vegans who made up more than 50% of the study population, those with a diet based on ultra-processed plant-based foods, are more likely to be sedentary, than health conscious vegans. No difference in BMI between the two groups was found, with 79% of all participants considered a normal weight compared to 47% in the normal population. Most importantly the study concludes that a vegan diet does not automatically mean healthy and it’s important to consider the quality of the foods consumed
  • When it comes to ultra-processed foods (UPF) people don’t know what a UPF is, but they know they don’t necessarily want to eat it. A new survey from the British Nutrition Foundation (BNF) seeks to understand what foods consumers view as UPF. Of note is that the BNF itself supports the use of highly processed supermarket bread and other foods such as baked beans and ready-made pasta sauce, as an affordable way to maintain a balanced diet. The BNF neglect to mention the lack of nutrient density in such foods and that they're often given to children who have different nutrition requirements, let alone a need for wider palate education so that they can eat healthier foods in adulthood
  • A new review published in Frontiers Nutrition led by Jeff Volek, calls on the US and Canadian governments to adopt low-carb eating as part of their dietary guidelines. The review points out the continued problems with spiralling rates of obesity and chronic disease, reminding policy makers that recommending low-carb dietary patterns would go a long way to helping people counter both issues, which in turn would significantly reduce healthcare costs and burdens on existing systems.

>>> Buy a copy of Reset Eating to find out why our bodies needs nutrients in particular forms. What type of foods to favour and which to ditch. How to make the changes that will turn your food into powerful medicine to regenerate your health and wellbeing plus it comes with a bunch of fab recipes for everyone omnivores, vegetarians and vegans alike

  • We’ve all heard of lab grown meat, but have you heard of lab-grown fat? Researchers from Tufts University in the US are currently developing fat tissue in an attempt to give fake meat the taste and texture of real meat. A new study published in eLife, outlines the process of producing the fat tissue using soybean oil, despite evidence that vegetable oils go rancid and can cause an array of health issues. Research continues with the goal to enable mass production of lab-grown meat that is considered almost identical to real animal meat, even though it hasn’t gone through the same processes that give meat a health profile humans have evolved with over millennia
  • Meat is essential for our health and wellbeing, despite the continued push to move people towards ever more plant-based diets. The Dublin Declaration, which has garnered the support of over 1,000 scientists globally, has now been published in Animal Frontiers as part of a special issue, along with a multitude of other reports and studies supporting the nutritional value of animal foods for humans. The special issue also includes content supporting the sustainable production of meat and its role in promoting carbon capture.

>>>  Feature: The red meat witch-hunt exposed

>>>  Lab-grown meat versus agro-ecological farming

>>>  Why Big Vegan won't save human health or the environment

  • Pharma giant, GlaxoSmithKline's (GSK) boss, is attempting to coerce the UK government into giving the company access to private NHS patient records as it looks for new drug targets to turn the GSK monolith away from the patent cliff. Dame Emma Walmsley claims that handing over the data would help prevent and treat disease more effectively, so is clearly not acknowledging people's rights over their own health data.

>>> Your health data – exploitation of the most precious commodity

>>> Who really benefits from owning your health data?

  • Mandatory product listings (MPLs) for supplements could be on the horizon for the US according to a new interview between online news portal, Nutraingredients, and the US Food & Drug Administration’s (FDA) Director of the FDA’s Office of Dietary Supplements Program, Cara Welch PhD. She sidestepped the question of nictotinamide mononucleotide (NMN) use in supplements. ANH-USA has the latest updates on the NMN situation in the US
  • The commonly used herbicide, atrazine, has been linked to the development of breast cancer due to its suppression of the immune system in a recent mouse study published in Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety. Beyond Pesticides takes a closer look at the study and its meaning.

News from ANH-USA

  • A new meta-analysis has linked air pollution with an increased risk of developing dementia. Find out more about how you help hold the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to account over this issue
  • Hundreds of letters have been sent to companies selling supplements, homeopathic products and functional foods by the US Federal Trade Commission warning that if they make any health claims, without appropriate scientific support, they could face fines of up to $50,120 per violation. This seems to be a warning salvo of more enforcement coming down the line. Read more
  • Fructose is a natural sugar found in plant foods. Once upon a time it benefitted humans as part of a wide-ranging seasonal, foraging diet. How does it impact our health now? Read more

Covid News

  • Good news for travellers comes in the form of an announcement from the US government, which is at long last rescinding its requirement for international travellers entering the country by air to prove their covid jab status on May 11. The ending of the mandate also means that top tennis player Novak Djokovic will be able to play at the US Open later in the year
  • Restrictions on off-label prescribing of ivermectin in Australia have been lifted by the Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA), although it continues to insist it’s not suitable for treating covid
  • The efficacy of ivermectin in treating covid has been shown in a recently published trial. The SAIVE trial reports a 72% reduction in infection in those treated daily with ivermectin over a 28 day period. It was found to be well tolerated with no safety signals occurring. Medincell, the company behind the trial, is developing an ivermectin injection
  • A spike in rarely seen brain abscesses in children is occurring in the US. First noticed in Southern Nevada, cases have risen across the country resulting in the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) starting an investigation. The increase is primarily being blamed on a resurgence of infections following lockdowns, however other medics are implicating covid jabs. The Defender has more
  • A new review published in the Multidisciplinary Scientific Journal, investigates the problems associated with mRNA technology used for covid injections. The authors call for urgent investigation into covid jab trial and pharmacovigilance data along with the regulatory process used to rush through the use of these novel medicines
  • The US and UK governments colluded to hide covid jab adverse reactions. The information is revealed in a series of documents released as part of a Freedom of Information Request by Canadian organisation, Judicial Watch
  • A new in depth analysis of samples taken from raccoon dogs in the Wuhan market has blown open the idea that they were an animal reservoir for covid. Of the 14 samples studied 13 contained no viral particles, while the 14th only contained a minuscule amount. Study author, noted virologist, Dr Jesse Bloom, also pointed out that samples taken in the market “...over a month after humans started spreading the virus do not reliably indicate outbreak origin”. More detailed discussion of the study can be found here
  • The UK government is in a standoff with WhatsApp over plans contained in its Online Safety Bill that could see the scanning and policing of encryted messaging apps. WhatsApp says it would rather be blocked in the UK than accede to government demands
  • Covid boosters provide very little protection against covid variants is the bottom line of a recent study known as COVAIL, published in Clinical Infectious Diseases sponsored by the National Institutes of Health
  • Efforts to censor online content continue around the world. The European Union (EU) has just published its list of what it calls Very Large Online Platforms (VLOPS). The listed organisations will have four months to comply with the regulations set out by the EU, which essentially boils down to increased content moderation and less ‘disinformation’, which come with the threat of massive fines if not complied with. Brownstone Institute takes a closer look at the impact of the regulation
  • The harms of lockdowns and covid restrictions to young people have been laid bare in a new report from the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), which reveals a rise in the number of young women considering or attempting suicide. In 2021, the percentage of young women affected rose from 24% in 2019 to around 30%
  • A Canadian court has ruled that private medical patient records can’t be withheld if the doctor in question is under investigation, regardless of patient wishes. The ruling comes as Ontario doctor, Dr Sonja Kustka, is being investigated for writing two mask exemptions during covid. Lawyers for the College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario (CPSO) said patients should not be allowed any rights to decide how their medical records are used if a doctor is suspected of putting them at risk of harm. The case blows open the right to privacy wide open and potentially opens the doors to Big Pharma access to medical data.


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